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around here at least, "moding" generally starts in the engine bay, not the paint section of wal-mart.


we generally have better things to do then paint interiors, and call it "moded"


i for one don't need or care for moding my engine, so stock it stays. painted out interiors are for the no-brain rice crowd but thats just MO


and don you really ought to let up, and same goes for you havikx, you are makeing us other 3.4 owners look bad. since when did don brag about his "fast car"?


and honestly untill you started telling our other members here to "shut the fuck up" i had nothing against you, i just thought it was funny to see a painted interior in a nice car such as a euro 3.4. now i really sugest you tone it down abit unless you enjoy the courthouse feature of this site, because thats where its destined to get you. so take what other people think of your car with a grain of salt the title is in your name not ours, so enjoy what you got.

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around here at least, "moding" generally starts in the engine bay, not the paint section of wal-mart.


we generally have better things to do then paint interiors, and call it "moded"


i for one don't need or care for moding my engine, so stock it stays. painted out interiors are for the no-brain rice crowd but thats just MO


and don you really ought to let up, and same goes for you havikx, you are makeing us other 3.4 owners look bad. since when did don brag about his "fast car"?


and honestly untill you started telling our other members here to "shut the fuck up" i had nothing against you, i just thought it was funny to see a painted interior in a nice car such as a euro 3.4. now i really sugest you tone it down abit unless you enjoy the courthouse feature of this site, because thats where its destined to get you. so take what other people think of your car with a grain of salt the title is in your name not ours, so enjoy what you got.


ok...dirtbag. don was bragging about his car on my cardomain site. and no...i'm not making 3.4 owners look bad. i'm making them look good. our cars look like shit in the first place...sorry for making it a little, better. and dont say you had nothing against me...if you didnt..i wouldnt have to read all your posts about how my paint sucks.


oh man...not the big bad courthouse. FUCK THE COURTHOUSE. this site is the biggest joke i've ever seen. not only do all the cars on here suck, you all bash me cuz i'm trying to make a w-body look like a nice car rather than a fuckin grandma car.


and one more thing, don...i can still beat you in the 1/4 mile.

around here at least, "moding" generally starts in the engine bay, not the paint section of wal-mart.


we generally have better things to do then paint interiors, and call it "moded"


i for one don't need or care for moding my engine, so stock it stays. painted out interiors are for the no-brain rice crowd but thats just MO


and don you really ought to let up, and same goes for you havikx, you are makeing us other 3.4 owners look bad. since when did don brag about his "fast car"?


and honestly untill you started telling our other members here to "shut the fuck up" i had nothing against you, i just thought it was funny to see a painted interior in a nice car such as a euro 3.4. now i really sugest you tone it down abit unless you enjoy the courthouse feature of this site, because thats where its destined to get you. so take what other people think of your car with a grain of salt the title is in your name not ours, so enjoy what you got.


ok...dirtbag. don was bragging about his car on my cardomain site. and no...i'm not making 3.4 owners look bad. i'm making them look good. our cars look like shit in the first place...sorry for making it a little, better. and dont say you had nothing against me...if you didnt..i wouldnt have to read all your posts about how my paint sucks.


oh man...not the big bad courthouse. FUCK THE COURTHOUSE. this site is the biggest joke i've ever seen. not only do all the cars on here suck, you all bash me cuz i'm trying to make a w-body look like a nice car rather than a fuckin grandma car.


and one more thing, don...i can still beat you in the 1/4 mile.



Since you wont be here long, ill make this quick. you took a decent looking car, did an attempted ricing out of the interior and made it look like a teenager owns it. NON of my cars have painted pannels or BS, it looks TEH GHAY, its a total ricer trend that you are attempting 2 do and say it isnt rice. Good luck with the car, but dont continue 2 post here if ya dont like us. The ricers will take you in, you have no pushrods and a painted interior, your already 3/4 the way 2 there, a few vtec badges and your official rice

around here at least, "moding" generally starts in the engine bay, not the paint section of wal-mart.


we generally have better things to do then paint interiors, and call it "moded"


i for one don't need or care for moding my engine, so stock it stays. painted out interiors are for the no-brain rice crowd but thats just MO


and don you really ought to let up, and same goes for you havikx, you are makeing us other 3.4 owners look bad. since when did don brag about his "fast car"?


and honestly untill you started telling our other members here to "shut the fuck up" i had nothing against you, i just thought it was funny to see a painted interior in a nice car such as a euro 3.4. now i really sugest you tone it down abit unless you enjoy the courthouse feature of this site, because thats where its destined to get you. so take what other people think of your car with a grain of salt the title is in your name not ours, so enjoy what you got.


ok...dirtbag. don was bragging about his car on my cardomain site. and no...i'm not making 3.4 owners look bad. i'm making them look good. our cars look like shit in the first place...sorry for making it a little, better. and dont say you had nothing against me...if you didnt..i wouldnt have to read all your posts about how my paint sucks.


oh man...not the big bad courthouse. FUCK THE COURTHOUSE. this site is the biggest joke i've ever seen. not only do all the cars on here suck, you all bash me cuz i'm trying to make a w-body look like a nice car rather than a fuckin grandma car.


and one more thing, don...i can still beat you in the 1/4 mile.



Since you wont be here long, ill make this quick. you took a decent looking car, did an attempted ricing out of the interior and made it look like a teenager owns it. NON of my cars have painted pannels or BS, it looks TEH GHAY, its a total ricer trend that you are attempting 2 do and say it isnt rice. Good luck with the car, but dont continue 2 post here if ya dont like us. The ricers will take you in, you have no pushrods and a painted interior, your already 3/4 the way 2 there, a few vtec badges and your official rice




i am a teenager your fuckin loser. my car is the farthest thing from rice and nor would i ever want to be one. many of my friends have w-bodies. on a cutlass..one a monte. the cutlass has painted interior and the monte will soon. not to mention that all your cars look like shit.


i dont really care if i'm here much longer. this site blows anyways. non of you, except for a select few, have good cars. and no don...you are not one of those good cars.


dirtbag eh? :lol: thats a new one to me

technically i didn't have anyhting against you till now, i just didn't like the "styleing" route you took with your car thats all.


so what your cars faster then mabie2fasts, want a cookie?


and honestly, we'd be glad to have you around, just come on its a public forum where people can trade knowledge and express their opinions, i gaurentee i could find some gm forum post pics of my car and have people call it ass. it just hapiens. but if you are gona sit here and bash all the cars and people here i think i speak for everyone when i say, don't let the door hit ya on the way out


You are seriously dumb. You really think that this site is dumb?? I bet you come back here many times after you are banned to get ideas for "mods"for your car. You will find no better place on the web to find information on your lumina, because there really is no other place.


As for most of us not modding our cars, some choose not to. Some like it stock. Some simply cant afford it, and the others, well, take a look at my cardomain.com page, and tell me my car isn't modded.


Also, happy banning!!

dirtbag eh? :lol: thats a new one to me

technically i didn't have anyhting against you till now, i just didn't like the "styleing" route you took with your car thats all.


so what your cars faster then mabie2fasts, want a cookie?


and honestly, we'd be glad to have you around, just come on its a public forum where people can trade knowledge and express their opinions, i gaurentee i could find some gm forum post pics of my car and have people call it ass. it just hapiens. but if you are gona sit here and bash all the cars and people here i think i speak for everyone when i say, don't let the door hit ya on the way out


so you all want me huh? so you can what...have more fun making fun of my car? oh yea..real nice of you to be so thoughtful. if its a forums to express your opinions, then state them. but dont sit there and insult my car. ok, you dont like it, guess what! i dotn care. its just the fact that people stood there and just insulted the pride and joy of my life. and incase you havent noticed...racing is what i care about so yea, i would enjoy a cookie.


EDIT: so basically what your trying to tell me is this...you can bash me but i cant bash you back? the only people i'm bashing are the ones who acually said something negative about my car. i know a few people on here like it. but every1 who opened up their mouth seems to have a grandma lookin car. not to mention the fact that i would have dyed my dash like you but its hard plastic. i couldnt.

i am a teenager your fuckin loser. my car is the farthest thing from rice and nor would i ever want to be one. many of my friends have w-bodies. on a cutlass..one a monte. the cutlass has painted interior and the monte will soon. not to mention that all your cars look like shit.


i dont really care if i'm here much longer. this site blows anyways. non of you, except for a select few, have good cars. and no don...you are not one of those good cars.



oh yeah, also come check out my stock z :lol: :lol: :smilielol:


man, your seriously stupid..


lemmy think of your IQ, technically.





leaning on 5.



and damn, why don't you come and pick on some-one your own size, wanna race? get me, slick, hell, even my buddy from NH, john99GTP.


besides, you bash one of us, you gotta deal with us...sorry.


btw, you type like an ass raped 12 year old...


sooo many typo's.



btw, why is he still here turby??


make his sentencing fun to read.


painted interior = not a mod


racing a 3.4 without maintinance = stupid


car that looks like a teenager owns it = stupid



Your car, beside the painted interor isnt rice, but that whole painting shit bright colors inside ya car is ricy as ricy gets. my TGP is ugly, but my baby, who i actually mod and not paint random shit, i have pride in because of how much time/energy I have into it. you have a bone stock 3.4 lumina, which we all know is a lesbians car. get over yaself, ya car isnt special and neither are u


I like your car man, just minus your interior (I agree with your pride and joy comment), you are a dick though and Turby dispose of this garbage


hey I can get your Honda hunter ass off the line gaurenteed


talk of typo's...you cant even quote some1. and i bashed you guys the same way you bashed me so basically your story of messing with all ofyou means nothing to me. i bashed you and for a day...i was one of you. you bash your own and you bash otehrs.


oh yea...painting my inteior took time and effort ya fuckin tool.


one mroe thing...i do alot of mantence on it and for stuff i dont know how to do...i have done. i put in over a grand making the engine run again. i took that car from the junkyards back to the street. dont tell me i dont do maintence on it.



oh no..not off the line! any pushrod can. have fun keeping up after 40 though.


how come this dickweed hasn't been banned yet?



i know you wouldn't be talking that shit to don's face....

talk of typo's...you cant even quote some1. and i bashed you guys the same way you bashed me so basically your story of messing with all ofyou means nothing to me. i bashed you and for a day...i was one of you. you bash your own and you bash otehrs.


oh yea...painting my inteior took time and effort ya fuckin tool.


one mroe thing...i do alot of mantence on it and for stuff i dont know how to do...i have done. i put in over a grand making the engine run again. i took that car from the junkyards back to the street. dont tell me i dont do maintence on it.



oh no..not off the line! any pushrod can. have fun keeping up after 40 though.


dude, "hunda" people make fun of you, thats how bad it is.


and sorry i forgot to put the (") on the quote...


i'm willing to cut the shit if you guys do but apparently you just keep talkin.


especially with don. i'll stop bashing if you stop bashing. so why dont we all shut the hell up and stop being babies about our grandma cars?

i'm willing to cut the shit if you guys do but apparently you just keep talkin.


especially with don. i'll stop bashing if you stop bashing. so why dont we all shut the hell up and stop being babies about our grandma cars?


oooo, now your crawling back???


i thought you said you hate this site, and its a joke!?


like i sayed...you dotn shut up...


whats the matter don? gotta make up for the lack of msucle in your car?

he would be dead already, or very hurt



the internet makes panzys feel badass.

i'm willing to cut the shit if you guys do but apparently you just keep talkin.


especially with don. i'll stop bashing if you stop bashing. so why dont we all shut the hell up and stop being babies about our grandma cars?


oooo, now your crawling back???


i thought you said you hate this site, and its a joke!?


acually...as some1 said...this is a forum to trade knowledge....dont know how this is knowledge...but i'm not a mechanic and i do wanna learn some of the shit you guys have known.


so, lemme get this right. you payed someone to take a car from the junkyard, fix it, and u paint random shit 2 "not be rice". you call me a tool yet u dont know basic shit. you are a rice boi

so, lemme get this right. you payed someone to take a car from the junkyard, fix it, and u paint random shit 2 "not be rice". you call me a tool yet u dont know basic shit. you are a rice boi


correction. i got it from the junkyard...paid some1 to rewire my engine and make the damn thing run...i do all the tune ups on it and otehr work. i'm the furhtest thing from ricer you will ever meet.


ok havikx i'll drop it. just as long as you cool down too.

i got nothing against your car, infact i love the euro 3.4s i just don't like what you did with your interior, but thats my opinion, sorry if i said anything in that other thread that offended you, now can't we all get along?

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