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2.8/3.1 mods vs 3100

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why is so much more available for those motors? it looks like I could make one of those bring down my SHO for not all that much money....(keep in mind you only need to add 50 hp since chances are you would have torque & weight advantage on me)


Well the 2.8 and 3.1 mods you see in catalogs and oline are usually directed more towards the rwd uses (Cherokee, S10, Camaro/Firebird). I'm sure most cross over, but they do use different blocks and heads, so you'd want to ask around to make sure. I'd love to build up a 3.1 with the 3.4 stroker kit, compucam, roller rockers, and a 2.8 plenum, to keep the sleeper image.


Well as compared to the 3100 there is a computer control issue. You can just modify the 3.1 code to accept what changes have been made, but the 3100 has to be reflashed, and most people don't give a shit about making a 3100 faster, so the market, just isn't there.


interesting info....thanks....ive always thought 2 fun projects would be: a) sleeper car yay i have the sleeper already and B) build up a muscle car ie firebird/camaro/mustang or even one of the old ones in a non-traditional manner. And then keep them both in pretty fast condition. Not that im going to do this any time soon, but a 301 turbo project or building up the 2.8/3.1 could be fun(<3000 lbs. + rwd + good handling means you only need to build up the 2.8/3.1 to around 225 hp or so before you have a pretty quick car on ur hands.) Let it be known that i hate the way new cars are made....


I tell ya, w/ my love for the 3.1 turbo, it's just a matter of time before I run into a RWD, vehicle that needs a 3.1. Well, I already know the platform. It'll be an S-10, and it will happen sooner or later. Us IN people need to get together before it gets too cold out. :wink:

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