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Coolant Problem!!!!!!!!!

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Sometimes when I get out of my car after a drive i notice a few drips of liquid behind the front right tire. I have also been having to fill up my resiouvor tank like every week to keep it at the proper levels. What is the problem here?


I knoiw there is a piece of hose that goes from the overflow tank to nowhere, its just a drain.


You're opening up a can of worms by having us guess what's causing the leak :wink: cause there's a laundry list. The best thing for you to do is start the car, raise the hood, let it warm up to normal operating temp (when the needle on the temp gauge hits the 1/4 mark) and watch for any noticable leakage. Maybe shine a flashlight around under the hood so you can get a better view. Easiest thing for you to do right at this moment would be to check all the hoses for cracks, swelling, blistering, etc. Then to confirm your tank isn't leaking, remove it from the car, drain it and fill it with water (plug the hose) and see if it holds. If all of that checks out, focus on the radiator and water pump. If the water pump is on the way out it will "weep" a bit of coolant on the ground to let you know it's time to replace it. A leaky radiator is pretty self explanitory. Next up are leaks on the engine itself. You could have a blown head gasket, intake gasket, leaky frost plug, cracked block, cracked head, etc etc. I could go on for days, that's why it's best to do a visual so you can get a good idea of where it's leaking from.


Hopefully I've pointed you in the right direction. Any questions on replacement of anything, consult a Haynes manual :wink: .


Anyone care to add anything? Like I said, it's like opening a can of worms :lol: ...


allright ill have to take it over to my dads today and let him find out exacly where it is leaking, i have seen the leak before and i do think it is comin from the engine, i hope this is not going to be a huge hassle to fix


once on my Z34, the coolant line that goes from the radiator to the coolant tank had a small slit in it and it was gradually leaking till there wasn't anymore coolant in the resivour. :roll: that was fun to finally find out was the problem was. :D


A pressure test would be the best way to find a leak. If you have the tool. Perhapse you can rent it somewhere. It's a pretty basic tool, just a pump and an attachment for the rad cap so you can pressurize the system.


if its that much of a problem, why not replace the radiator? either that or drain the coolant...poor in some neon...see where it leaks...fix. shouldnt be that hard..


i know i got scared when i saw coolant leaking too. turns out i just overfilled it and it was draining. its kewl.

could be a heater core return line, those like to rust out.


Yep. my 91 3.1L did that...rusted right through that fucker...the leak was barely noticable until I tilted the engine one day to do spark plugs and it broke.....well that was a fun day. Ended up flushing all the green crap out while I was at it and switched to Dex-Cool....replacing the line itself wasn't too hard at all...I had to rotate the engine forward a little to attach the hose part properly....but otherwise it was pretty smooth....and I was like 15 or 16 at the time too...fun memories...



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