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Quick questions, need answers by tonight!!!

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Ok, tomorrow, I'm gonna just go ahead and do my injectors. I figured while I'm at it, if its not much more work, to just go ahead and replace the lower intake gasket. That's only if it isn't much more work. So, what all parts am I gonna need to do this all??


I have the injectors and o-rings. I also allready have the upper plenum gasket. So, what else am I gonna need? Tips too are welcome!


just do the DIC and leave the motor alone...now your going to do the lower intake too! why


you're gonna need all the stuff for an oil change and a coolant flush because you will get coolant into your oil when you take the manifold off, AND dirt into your coolant.


considering the engine is dang new anyhow its probably not worth your time. but if you feel its worth it it's just a few extra bolts after ya got the fuel rail off.

you're gonna need all the stuff for an oil change and a coolant flush because you will get coolant into your oil when you take the manifold off, AND dirt into your coolant.



wrong no oil goes through or by the dohc intakes. and a lil dirt in your coolant isn't gunna do a thing if u somehow get it in there


yeah and the lifter valley on the 3.4 is closed off, so no coolant is gonna leak out the intake and go down there like it does on a pushrod.


just a large handfull of 10mm bolts topside and 4 hidden below if after you remove your gas lines and vacume lines.


when i did mine i pulled the valley plate and redid the gasket with silicon also siliconed the oil 0-ring b/c its impossible to get it out.


i noticed after all installed that the car smoked alot probably from coolant boiling off under the lower intake but it stoped after a day. Also i suppose some coolant spilled into the the oil or something wasn't right so i changed the oil and everything was Great!


be sure to clean off all surface area befor reinstalling a new gasket and get a magnetic reach just incase you drop a bolt down under the lower intake or in the intake.

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