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Now here's a funny one...(not really very funny...)

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Okay so....it seems like its been going crazy in my car...


I changed my water pump today and i noticed that the last owner had the green coolant in there, and I wanted to put Dex-Cool in...I've done this before on my old cutty....no big deal, right? well, wrong...after I flushed the system (and I literally ran the hose in the thing for like over 40 minutes...no kidding) and filled it back up....I had orange coolant in the rad, and in the overflow bottle...and GREEN coming out of the bleed vents!! it blew my mind!!! I even ran the damn thing for a good 20 minutes with the bleed valve open and me adding orange coolant into the rad....and green still comes out!! even though I flushed the thing for a while!!! and let it drain completely and flushed it again....etc. etc. etc... then I drove it around for a while and now its still letting out green fluid if I open the bleed vents, and I recall seeing green fluid under the rad. cap, but the res. has orange in it.....I am damn confused, considering I sat there and flushed the thing out LONG after it was pouring clear water out of the rad drain hole & bleed vents....what gives?!






thats what i was thinking, isan't dex-cool the stuff that eats gaskets?

thats what i was thinking, isan't dex-cool the stuff that eats gaskets?


in a car that didn't have it originally, yes.


I use dex cool in everything because it's easy to get at work. By everything I mean all my vehicles from 1974-2002 NEVER had a problem.

Okay so....it seems like its been going crazy in my car...


I changed my water pump today and i noticed that the last owner had the green coolant in there, and I wanted to put Dex-Cool in...I've done this before on my old cutty....no big deal, right? well, wrong...after I flushed the system (and I literally ran the hose in the thing for like over 40 minutes...no kidding) and filled it back up....I had orange coolant in the rad, and in the overflow bottle...and GREEN coming out of the bleed vents!! it blew my mind!!! I even ran the damn thing for a good 20 minutes with the bleed valve open and me adding orange coolant into the rad....and green still comes out!! even though I flushed the thing for a while!!! and let it drain completely and flushed it again....etc. etc. etc... then I drove it around for a while and now its still letting out green fluid if I open the bleed vents, and I recall seeing green fluid under the rad. cap, but the res. has orange in it.....I am damn confused, considering I sat there and flushed the thing out LONG after it was pouring clear water out of the rad drain hole & bleed vents....what gives?!






When you flushed the cooling system did you open the engine block drains?


When you hose flushed it did you run the engine with the heater on and the temperature control set on HOT?


kind of off topic but not really, anyone try this new prestone yellow junk that is supposedly compatible with everything?

kind of off topic but not really, anyone try this new prestone yellow junk that is supposedly compatible with everything?


I haven't tried it but I saw it on t.v. the other day.


By the sound of it, you just ran water thru the radiator for 40 minutes. Did you run water thru the engine side? I removed the T stat and flushed my old '90 3.1 out like that.


Okay, Okay....I am an idiot...lol... I forgot that I didn't have this problem on my other cutlass because I was replacing a heater core line and a lot of the coolant drained out of the broken line....well since I'm tired of dealing with messy shit in my garage (at least for this week), I think I'm going to take it to Mr.Lube or (more likely) my school shop and just do it there...the reason I'd choose my school shop is that I can make all the mess I want and its free labor (me + friends)....and i guess I might as well go green....after all...it IS cheaper...


Thanks guys!




good call I have no idea why people go through the trouble using dex cool anyway. I perfer the the green and when I get a car that has dex I tend to switch it to anti-freeze. Its cheaper and gunks up less.

By the sound of it, you just ran water thru the radiator for 40 minutes. Did you run water thru the engine side? I removed the T stat and flushed my old '90 3.1 out like that.


Thats what I did to my sister's Sunfire (to remove the Dexcool) :lol:


Its Prestone green (or yellow, whatever you want to call it) so I know I flushed all that evil Dexcool out. :wink:


Dex-cool is much better.

Green crap ate my head gaskets.. That's with annual flushing. Maybe it was Prestone. I'm convinced Prestone is garbage. Their green coolant is yellow when new and then turns green. Maybe it's a weird formulation. I avoid Prestone, it's evil.


Every problem I've heard of that people had with Dex-cool actually had other causes. If Dex-cool was worse, GM wouldn't still be using it.


My truck has Dex-cool in it, and the stuff is as clean as new with 125k miles. I converted the 88 and 89 over in the mid/late 90's, and haven't had a problem yet.


You should have been able to get all the green antifreeze out with a Flushing T.


DexCool was orignially made for the aluminum engines of todays world, it's suposed to keep from allowing the metal to oxidize, and ruining your gaskets. It's also been proven that DexCool is more efficent at removing heat, and releasing heat (cooling the engine) and DexCool is rated to run for a much longer time in your vehicle. Lastly, DexCool has more lubracative properties so it's better for your waterpumps.


Here's a hint - drain your entire cooling system, pull the lower rad. hose, let EVERYTHING come out, then reattach the hose, open your top bleeder valve, and fill with water, all the way to the top, nothin' but water let the green stuff come out and such, drive it 'round like that for a few days, to help flush the other stuff outta the motor, then when you change it at your school, you should be able to get all the green stuff then.




Make sure you get the green cleaned out asap, I've heard that green+orange= death.


Okay well I flushed it out as best I could.....had the heater on and all.... I think I managed to get most/all of the old stuff out....and then I put in new coolant (not going to say the type for the sake of not starting a flame war :lol: ) and drove her around for a while.....she runs like a champ, but its weird because it won't heat up until I stop for a while then it'll get really hot....and I figured it was air in the system....opened the bleed vent and out came water...so i dunno...it got progressively better as I drove...and then I stopped in my Girlfriend's driveway and we had a half hour conversation with the car idling (she dumped me :lol: ) and when I came to leave, my temp gauge said i was just a smidge over that first notch, 1/4...which is where it usually is on the highway or when its running properly and on the cool side of things...so I was thoroughly impressed....tomorrow I'll check the color of things before I go to make sure everything got flushed properly...


Thanks again everyone!!




Dude if she was out to dump you, you shoulda drained the cooling system down her drinking water. He He YEAH!

Dude if she was out to dump you, you shoulda drained the cooling system down her drinking water. He He YEAH!


Well I wish I'd thought of that earlier...haha...but I got my own back a little today...we were at the same student leadership conference in Toronto for most of the day and she pulled me aside and told me all this shit about how she wants me back and blah blah blah... and I told her I wasn't having it. She lost her chance with me. But on another car topic....if a car is running, and it stalls...like without warning or apparent reason.....the engine cranks and cranks very well, and catches but won't stay on...could that mean that the ECM is turning it off due to overheat? or what the hell could it be?



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