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well i am gonna do it. as soon as i go on christmas break from college i am gonna give the cutlass a total rebuild. everything. i want to get the parts now so i have them ready to install when i get the time. i was wondering if anyone knew where i could get a complete gasket kit for the 3.1 and a price of what it would cost me. i also wanted to know where to get the lower temp thermostat and any ideas on how to get some more power out of the 3.1 i already have a cold air intake and a high flow exhaust. any help would be appreciated.




(88-94) MK-Ch189 Chevy 3.1L $479.50

(94-96) MK-Ch189M Chevy 3.1L $506.81 (VIN M)



Most kits will come with Felpro gaskets, Clevite 77 bearings, Cloyes timing components, Melling oil pumps and accessories, Perfect Circle or Sealed Power Rings, Johnson lifters, Durabond Cam Bearings, Sterling or Silvolite Pistons and Pioneer freeze plug and galley plug kits.


These kits include Pistons, Rings, Gaskets, Cam Bearings, Rod Bearings, Main Bearings, Oil Pump, Freeze Plugs, Camshaft, Lifters, Prelube,Timing Set And Wrist pin Bushings where applicable.


you can e-mail them and get upgraded parts too, such as forged pistons, better oil pumps, upgraded camshafts (when available)


I've used them several times for 4-cylinder stock engine rebuilding - very good people, very easy to deal with, and they've told me that I can even order upgraded parts should I need them...




just a gasket set will be less than that


i'd think less than $200, correct me if i'm wrong

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