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idle issues


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I have a problem, when I push the clutch in the idle drops way down almost to stall. however as soon as I come to a stop it kicks right back up and sits were it should I think it is something to do with the clutch. It gets better and worse depending on the day.


Anyone have any ideas?


Mine never drops below idle, but the idle will raise up between 1k-3k rpm depending on how fast I'm going when I push in the clutch. So if your clutch feels good it's probably fine and the problem is elsewhere. Try cleaning the intake etc.. maybe resetting the ecm might help.


I am not exactly sure why it does it and why it gets better and or worse, I have replaced the intake gaskets and cleaaned it while it was appart i also put a new ecm.


oh and by the way when you rev at idle with the clutch pushed in (over 3k) does the check engine light come on in your car?


No the chk eng. light does not come on but then again I don't have a 3.4L. :lol: :lol:




Does the chk eng stay on?Can you pull a code if it does?


the light stays on until i turn the car off for a minute, the code is speed position sensor, I dont think this is the cause however i do not claim to be a wrench head. if you have any other ideas or know what that means let me know.





What about the IAC it may be causing the problem. But... I'm not sure what raises the idle cause when my car had an auto it didn't do that so it's sort of new to me.


When you changed the ecm did you reuse your memcal?

Did you swap the ecm out to fix other problems or this?

How does the car run otherwise? How does it idle when first started and after it gets hot?


I am sorry I had stated that i replaced the ecm I have not I replaced the iac. I am not sure what is causing the problem I took it to the stealership and they could not find anything that would cause the problem.


however I just tried to reset the idle learning thing and in doing so it made it worse I used the same presedure for re-learning the idle as an auto would use exept it is not very easy to put the car in over drive and put my foot on the break with a stick stalling tends to happen. other than that I followed the directions in a previous post.


It seemes to be very picks about how much it jumps, from what I am told the car is to idle at about 1200 rpm when I push in the clutch and I am still moving some days it does that and only jumps about 25 rpms each direction. Others (i.e. tonight on the way to class.) I pushed in the clutch and it almost stalls out the lights go dim then back up then dim, so on and so forth.


From what I have noticed temp does not have much to do with it if it is having a bad day it will do it regardless of how hot or cold it is.


Other than that the car runs great, I replaced the IAC trying to fix a much greater idle problem only later finding out that it was the intake gasket.


I have taken it to 3 shops and a stealership and no one can tell me what is causing it. I have spent a decent amount of money trying to fix this problem so if you have any ideas that I could look into that would be VERY helpful.


I recently put a high output cat on it with a 27" glass pack with 2 40 series flowmaster mufflers on there so needless to say the problem is very noticable on the exterior of the car.

however I just tried to reset the idle learning thing and in doing so it made it worse I used the same presedure for re-learning the idle as an auto would use exept it is not very easy to put the car in over drive and put my foot on the break with a stick stalling tends to happen


With a manual you just let the car idle in neutral, auto's are done that way because they have a load on them sitting at a light etc. manuals don't.

Go pull the fuse for the ecm and relearn the idle in neutral, try that and see what happens.


that is what I tried to do and instead of helping it made it worse. now (when it is in a bad mood it drops down and kicks back up really hard. an other ideas?

  \ said:
that is what I tried to do and instead of helping it made it worse. now (when it is in a bad mood it drops down and kicks back up really hard. an other ideas?


You tried the idle re-learn without putting the car in gear and loading the engine????

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