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My daughter has a 91 GTP with 80,000 miles on it. The car all of the sudden started running like crap. She took the car to the shop and they told her that the injectors were bad. They also wanted 1600.00 to replace them. Can anyone tell me how hard it is to replace these in the 3.4 or steer me in the right direction. Also where should I get the injectors from. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


you can get decent Injectors from just about any parts store, I think Autozone offers a lifetime warranty on this. There's an other post on the forum about this same task if you look.


you can check http://www.60degreev6.com too for instructions and I think pictures on how to remove the plenum to get to the three rear injectors. It's seriously not that dificult. I would highly doubt that they are all bad tho, usually when one goes out, the car acts like they are all bad. It could also be the fuel pressure regulator, or the fuel pump, or even just the filter causing problems.


what year GN you got?




I wouldn't always believe the first thing you are told. People love to scam us 3.4 owners out of work. I have had over 1000 worth of useless work on numerous occasions when all I needed was a sensor


Not to say that your injectors are bad but I would call GM and confirm that your car has not had the injector update


Anyways, I love the Grand National, got any pics?


Sorry no pics yet. Still building the car. Just ordered a te44 turbo for it and still not sure on the injectors but I think I am going to go with the 50# injectors and alchol injection. This thing should fly.

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