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OBD II and such

Guest Anonymous

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Guest TurboSedan
well i was asking to see, if i put and OBD II engine in, will my stuff still work, and would a newer hud be usable? no need to flame.


there is no such thing as an "OBD II engine"....only OBD II engine management. you can run the 3.4 DOHC engine on an OBD I ECM + memcal or an OBD II PCM. if you get a newer 3.4 DOHC engine just keep your existing OBD I ECM/memcal and wiring harness.

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Guest Anonymous
If you swap to an engine that has OBD-II management (3400, etc.), you'll have some major problems getting your HUD, DIC, and various other nifty electronics to work properly.


Thats what i figured. So if i took say a 3400 and plugged it into my OBD I managemant doo-hicky, would everything still work?

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If you swap to an engine that has OBD-II management (3400, etc.), you'll have some major problems getting your HUD, DIC, and various other nifty electronics to work properly.


Thats what i figured. So if i took say a 3400 and plugged it into my OBD I managemant doo-hicky, would everything still work?




You'd need a custom chip though

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Really, the engine choice is up to you. I would definately keep the OBD-I stuff with the Memcal (no 3100 OBD-I stuff)


Basically, all the engines have their strengths and weaknesses (below is just my opinion)


3.4 DOHC - Originally in 1st gen W-bodies, Highest Performing, Highest cost for replacement parts, hardest to work on.


2.8/3.1 MPFI - Run forever, in most 1st gen w's up to 94, not too bad to work on, replacement parts are cheap, you can probably get an engine for a song


3100 - Faster than a MPFI 2.8/3.1 by quite a bit, some parts are slightly more expensive, slightly easier to work on in most things.


3400 - Good swap in engine, will require custom calibration if not replacing a 3100, may need some 3100 1st gen W-body parts to install, more hp than the 3100.


3800 L27 (tuned port) - fairly easy to put in, came in 1st gen regals, run decent but only make ~170hp, you'd be better off installing a 3400.


3800 L36 (Series II), good swap canidate, but not any faster than the 3.4 DOHC...harder to put in than the 3400, makes 200hp


3800 L67 (series II supercharged), makes real good power, mods are easy to come by, not any harder to put in than an L36, requires premium gas, gets worst gas mileage, you will be ridiculed by some.


You'll note i didn't put the 3.1 Turbo engine in here...the chances of finding one are pretty slim.

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Guest Anonymous

well my reasoning for a series2 3.8 is this... my parents have one in their 96 bonneville. damn that is one good, strong engine. they've put 120k on it without any engine problems- just ruitine maintance, and it still runs like new. Very solid, IMO, and easier to work on.

The 3.4 would be the cheapest to swap in, but with it comes the typical troubles of 3.4 ownership that we all enjoy.


I want whats best for my car and whats best for my wallet/atm... this car needs to run for a looooong ass time, and i cant go broke fixing it either. Like I said, when i get it fixed, that car is staying with me forever. Of course i'll get something newer along the years, but that baby is garage material...

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Run for a long time? I'll put money on the 2.8 Multi-Port lasting the longest, the 3.1 multi-port second, followed by the 3100, then either the L27 or L36 3800, 3400, then L67 Supercharged, and finally, the 3.4.


If properly maintained and not beat to hell, they will all last pretty darn long...if you started with a new engine and changed the oil @ 3000 miles (and did the timing belt on schedule on the 3.4), I'd bet the 3.4 would make at least 130k, and all the rest should make 150 if not 200+


One thing to look at is parts for the 2.8/3.1/3100 and both the 3800 engines are everywhere in junkyards. Lots of good parts can be had for very cheap.

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most of the HUDs dont have anything to do with the engine management system. they should all work in all cars (GM atleast). for the DIC you have to use the corisponding engine management (OBD1 or 2) because they use computer signals to run them.


for what motors are the strongest


L67 has the strongest bottom end. as for how long it last it all depends on what you do to it.


3.4 DOHC is high maintence but is till a good motor if maintained


3100 blows head gaskets and intake gaskets


those are my experences.

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I've seen a lot more 3.4's needing head gaskets than anything else...


Mostly, people don't change their coolant and that is why the gasket goes bad.


I've also never heard of a big problem with any of the 60 degree v's breaking the cranks or throwing rods.


the 90 degree motors seem to spin rod bearings occasionally, especially if they have overheated. I have personally replaced an intake gasket on a 90 degree v6 (3300, same design as the l27) that only had 49k on it.

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cant he also put in a series one 3.8 supercharged from the early SSEi? i think that is OBD I. it doesnt have as much hp as the L67 but it might be easier maintence wise then the 3.4 dohc and has more hp then the 3.1

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Guest Anonymous

All this engine stuff is so confusing for me. all I know is both of my 3.4 suck ass. I bought my 95 Gt from some old lady. she washed the car, but i doubt that she did any other meaintance, which may be why i had so many repairs to do within the first few months.

The lady i got the petty from babied that car for 12 years, was religious with maintence, but her timing belt pully failed on a 10k old belt and is the current cause of my problems. Unless you can service the 3.4 yourself, theres not much you can do but empty your wallet and pray.


I have nothing against putting a 3.4 back into the petty, as it would be nice to keep the car original and all. But i also want something that will be easy to maintain, last a while, and still have balls. If i coukd get a brand new 3.4 in there i;'d be happy, but I can;'t afford it. And i'm told a rebuild on the existing will just open up a can of worms.

I was given an offer to deign websites at 1 grand a pop. Maybe that can pay for my repairs.

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3100 blows head gaskets and intake gaskets


Not in any of my experiences, and ive owned 3 60° v6's. Iron rwd 3.1. FWD 2.8, and now my 3100. No headgaskets or intake gasket probs for me.


I've never had head gaskets go on a 3100. The intake gaskets did though.

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The only HUD that runs on serial data is the ones in the 04 Grand Prix.

Putting one of those in is financially unrealistic, especially for someone who hasn't yet even been able to afford fixing the engine! :wink:

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