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reprogramming my 96 PCM 3.4DOHC

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i just got e-mail bace from DHP they say they cant do the 96 3.4 DOHC yet but they do think they will beable to do it by the first quarter 05


why the hell do guys from mymonte.com with '96s have DHP tuned computers. i dislike DHP already cuz of their shitty ass customer service. they can just eat my ass and be done with it. fuckers.

i just got e-mail bace from DHP they say they cant do the 96 3.4 DOHC yet but they do think they will beable to do it by the first quarter 05

Guess mine is pretty rare. Let the bidding begin on it. :lol:

TPIS located in Chaska, MN




Myron Cottrell is a Genius when it comes to GM computers - I'd shoot those guys an e-mail. I know they've been re-flashing just 'bout every F-body computer under the sun.



I know that on mymonte.com we tried contacting them, but they didnt want to touch our PCM


See I find this thread weird, because I thought I heard on another board (can't remember which) that they did finally get it all sorted out on the 96's. I think it was gmfwd.com I'll check it out.

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