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I'm looking for a user-friendly INEXPENSIVE aftermarket CD player, it's for a 40ish year old woman's Lesabre I'm working on. I'd like to get one with the simplest features (ie: 1 knob+) and be under $125. Circuit city shows a few but any other ideas? I'd buy a factory buick CD player but they run just as expensive as a new CD player without the warranty!


JVC, very straight forward and you should be able to find and entry level one for under $125 with much trouble....


I went to wal-fart and to be honest, their prices really aren't that low, especially if I compare it to like ebay. I saw the pioneer for $109 it's alright, they didn't have much else that was good in that price area. Circuit city and best buy seems to offer more at the same price, I'd rather not throw money at wal-fart if I don't have to!


ok choice of these 3- I'm leaning towards the JVC, any input please, remember this is for a middle aged woman so I'm looking for simplicity:



*Points on the price, separate CD/AM/FM buttons



*Points on the rotary knob



*points on....being a Pioneer I guess


go with the Aiwa mostly because its simple, and its got a clean, almost stock look to it. so i say go for that one.




Only b/c if it's an older lady, MOST of them, not all, but most aren't too technology inclined. It's easier for her to switch between radio and CD and volume is easy to find. I guess I'm thinking about what my mom would like.


I'll go to Best buy during my break tomorrow. I have a strange feeling the Aiwa display might be hard to read in the daylight? Not sure. Also unless Aiwa got their act together recently, their cheaper end radios have a volume level that you have to go from like 0-40 on their scale to even hear anything, which comes out to be like 6 full turns on their damn knob. If they corrected that annoyance then I'll probably go for that. JVC still looks good though!


I've actually owned the jvc and the aiwa (the jvc was a VERY similar unit, my aiwa is identical.) The Aiwa has far superior sound, but i find the jvc to have an easier to read display, and easier controls..... The aiwa is also more tolerant to bumps and jarring around.... so its a tossup on your preference... but i'd go with the aiwa just for the sound/skip protection



Only b/c if it's an older lady, MOST of them, not all, but most aren't too technology inclined. It's easier for her to switch between radio and CD and volume is easy to find. I guess I'm thinking about what my mom would like.


YES exactly! "here press this" sort of thing, mom would have no clue that "SRC" changes modes for example, ya know. Plus with preselected EQ settings just keep it on "pop" and never touch it.


JVC. I usually hate their products, but at one point I had a JVC head unit, and it was really nice. It was straightforward, and easy to use.


that is the same JVC that I put in my mother-in-laws Contour because she is technologically retarded and it was worked flawless for her and it is so easy work that she can even control it...


I think you should get one with a knob.

I'm thinking about my mom here... she would NOT like little buttons to change from radio to CD. She would have to stop and pull out reading glasses and read the tiny print on the buttons to change the source.


Most older people I know hate up/down volume buttons, they want a good old fashioned knob. I would look for something where knob does volume and pushing the knob changes from CD to radio and vice versa, just like the old radios from way back when.


The old pre-Xplod Sony's were the best... they had the knob for volume, push the middle of the knob to change the source, and a lever sticking out of the knob to seek/change the channel. Very simple. Too bad they don't make them like that anymore.

The old pre-Xplod Sony's were the best... they had the knob for volume, push the middle of the knob to change the source, and a lever sticking out of the knob to seek/change the channel. Very simple. Too bad they don't make them like that anymore.


I've seen plenty of those in pawn shops. I bought my JVC for ~$90 and it worked like new. Go to your local pawn shops and check out their stock. Make sure you smell the inside before you buy anything.

Make sure you smell the inside before you buy anything.


that test can apply to women too....


you know, if you get a low end alpine you can accually get it for 140, and i beleive its one of the simpliest of designs.


the face is good in contrast too



ooo and dare i say great reputation?


ooo and dare i say great reputation?


dare I say, not even close the to the reputation that they USED to have :wink:


I bought the JVC today for a few reasons:



I tried a bunch of CD players at the store under $110, the Aiwa sounded a little strange and once again, their volume control range is very odd. I was turning the knob up slowly, went from 0-15 heard nothing so I headed to 20+ (pretty slowly mind you) all of a sudden the volume jumped up quick, way too loud all of a sudden. Also there were separate buttons for functions that weren't necessary, and had the tiniest print. Screw that. The pioneer was eh...well I didn't like the button layout, even I was getting confused and took me a minute to figure out how to NOT seek thru radio. The JVC volume buttons are big and the range is correct. Sounded very good I was impressed, EQ settings were 1 button away, display was clear, and it was on sale for $89. Even the salesman said this is good for people who like it simple. SOLD.

you know, if you get a low end alpine you can accually get it for 140, and i beleive its one of the simpliest of designs.


the face is good in contrast too



ooo and dare i say great reputation?

I know Alpine makes good HU's.. but goddamn that thing looks so cheap..

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