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And so it begins


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Well, I just made my last (for now) tuning purchase.


Looks like the TestBed will have to come out of hiding for a few datalogs, and possible a few 1320 passes once this puppy shows up.


Keep in Mind: All I'm using it for is chip tuning, and the like. Will be more than enough for what I'm using it for. Should be a blast. Especially for what I'm paying for it. :wink:

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nice catch, i'm gona be useing my old IBM thinkpad, 300mhz for the same stuff once i get the OBD1 link cable made. should be more then enough

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I was going to make a cable as well, but then I realized that by the time I actually got off my ass and did it, I would still be close in parts and labor to the cable that I just bought. I bought the http://www.mastach.com cable, and it comes w/ a CD full of free software. $45 is not bad at all. It's nice construction too.

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Good find. Will make a good programer.


Man, you must have the biggest pair in the world to buy a laptop off of ebay...lol


I hope you have better luck than we did. The pc store i used to work for bought a lot of 10 that were supposed to be pIII 700's with 128mb and 10 gb. We ended up with old IBM 486 units with smashed screens and amoung other things, missing parts. The guy had even put a brick in one box to make it feel heavy enough to have had the right amount of equipment in it.



We took a $700 loss becuase the guy just dissapeared. He had positive feedback, but I think he had friends add it there.

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i may have a few older laptops for sale shortly, i'll post in for sale when i get one or more working


that cable looks good to me well worth the $45

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I've got an old P120 running Windows 95 which works great for scanning software. Went to radioshack, bought some parts and made the cable in about an hour.


Jay, are you tuning the 5-speed car?

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I built a cable about 6 months ago but I was never able to use it because I found out that it needed a serial port and my laptop doesn't have one. :? I need to buy a USB to serial converter. I'm almost temped to buy an older laptop and just use it for my car.


I only spent about $5-7 for the cable I built.

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I was going to make a cable as well, but then I realized that by the time I actually got off my ass and did it, I would still be close in parts and labor to the cable that I just bought. I bought the http://www.mastach.com cable, and it comes w/ a CD full of free software. $45 is not bad at all. It's nice construction too.



I don't see the 3.4 listed. Are you still able to use this program?

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anyone want to inform me how to build the cable?


i got a PIII 650 laptop that i use


and also what software to use


Thats basically what i want to know. I have the laptop and making a cable should be a new problem, its just how. Software is a good question too.

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honestly be careful ... you do not relise how many crooks there are on ebay now a days ... its like LA and Detriot and Phoenix put all in one.


A bunch of crooks ...


My buddy is out $1800 because of stuff he had purchased and they ended up taking the money...


Fortunetly, we retrieved atop of that $1300 ...


He even went after these people. Whats really nice is how quickly someone can spend that much money. But in order to pay it back. It takes forever. Which in turn is a fucking joke.


I am a person who is tired of seeing people get fucked over. We need to make things more efficient ... GAH it makes me lazy even thinking I am making a difference in this world ... fuck it


Amazing but crazy people, to steal peoples money and that shit. But something like that honestly man ... thats false advertisement and a bunch of other shit. EBAY is LEGAL ... need I say more?


I mean for christs sake they have there own Banking system!

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got my laptop off ebay in 2002 for $300


It came with a PII 333


I've upgraded it since then...it can take an 850mhz PIII...but they're really hard to find and expensive (MMC-2 based...Intel made very few of them)


right now it's taken apart cause the lcd cable is shot (my fault)...and i don't have 20 bucks to fix it

(if anyone has an lcd cable for a dell laptop let me know)


i'd still like to know how to make the cable!

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Paid 275 shipped for my P233MMX Thinkpad 600.. Itsa now dead, but I got my use out of it.. I bought it in 01 off eBay.. Ran CIRCLES around all my Athlon XP desktops too.. lol.. I may be interested in this whole tuning thing.. Think an old 486/66 or P75 Laptop are enough "oomph" for this undertaking?

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