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doing a swap also. i started with a '90 cutlass

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i am doing a swap also. i started with a '90 cutlass. i have a '95 engine connected to a '96 computer and engine wiring harness. i turned the key and nothing happens except for an extra drain on the electrical system. i built a ghetto remote start system and the engine only turned over at about half speed but i used 14 awg wire to activate the starter soleinoid instead of 10 awg like original wiring.


i removed my drivers side engine fuse panel under the hood. i thought that was only used for exterior lights and whatnot?


do you have any advice?





You say its a 90 Cutlass and you removed a fuse box on the drivers side under the hood? Hmm are you talking about the fuel pump relay and the fuel pump fuse? By the way its nice to see someone else from Tenn on here. Oh and welcome to W-body :D


yeah, the fuel pump relay and fuse. also the aux positive power connector.


go titans!





i also removed the big under hood fuse panel that connects to the horn, accessories, exterior lights - it has about 15 blade type fuses


it's shaped similar to this, but the bottom bevel could be on the other side.


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