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VHT Nightshades on headlights and foglights?


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Just wondering, bought a can today, and was planning on tinting my tail lights, but I'd also like to do the headlights too, to give them that tinted look, will the paint work, or would I mess it up? :?:

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if you tint your tails they would probably look better if you get the 88-90 ( i think ) style gp tail lights that did not have the checker pattern

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if you tint your tails they would probably look better if you get the 88-90 ( i think ) style gp tail lights that did not have the checker pattern

Those are just the base taillights. No year designation.

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will this stuff work on windows? I've wanted to tint mine, but I didn't want to mess with that film shit.


i wouldnt really try it on windows, it's hard to get it out even when using just the can. But maybe if u practiced with it or something, i'm sure it would work.

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You've gotta be damn good to get it to work on windows w/o it looking like a huge mess. I've seen it turn out good and I've seen it turn out bad. When its bad, its loads of fun stripping it off.

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Yeah man.. I'd definitely go with something easier to reverse in case of a mistake. Paint is a biatch to reverse. by the way aren't headlight covers illegal to drive with? I used to get pulled over all the time when I had them On my 5.0 . stick with the tailights for now. ever been to that site where they make fun of ricers? they got a cool fix for the headlights hehehe they use like some blue saran-wrap type shit on their headlights and it actually works.

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