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Top Gun 160 Chip Owners _ Look here!


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I dropped 7/10s in the quarter with my first TGP. That car ran a 15.7 when I got it with a leaky x-over, and I ran a 15.0 with the new x-over/TG160 setup. I switched the chip to my second TGP as the first car was beat, and I ran a 14.6 @ 95 with that car, when it was auto. It's a really nice chip and you'll be happy with it. Look at it this way, there are 2 types of performance mods. There's the "It feels a little faster", and then there's the "Holy S$@t!!" The TG160 is the later. :twisted:

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I'm liking the chip pretty well, I never drove the car w/ the stock chip though. W/ stock x-over, cat/muffler replacement, chip, and intake, I ran a 14.7@91.94mph on a "shitty" track with bad traction(1100ft above sea level...known to be a crappy track on "grudge/street" nights). Corrected for altitude, that would be a 14.5 or so...that same night, stock 97+ GTP's were running high 14's-low 15's.

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It's the best thing this car has ever had! It cured all my ill's and aches. It was stalling, my shift points are set better, idle's cured, It goes much better all around. Well worth every cent! thanks Jeff. I'm curious to what other cars jeff has and what he's doing to them.

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I replaced a shit load of parts all at once, one of those parts being the vacuum t on the tranny, everything was hell of alot smoother after I did that. It may not change shift points, but It seems to stay in second longer at constant speed and not upshift like it did. I'm no expert at this car by any shot, but I do drive it everyday and notice the little differences.

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Any time you want, I'll even let you run the 'BEAST' the red 89... or if you are just feeling lucky 'Blackie' 14.4 black 90... pick your poison…

:shock: :read: :bonk: :nana: :cheers: :cheers:

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Yea I got that Booklet.. Good stuff too... Well I'm supposed to get the GP turned TGP tomorrow!!!... Hopefully it'll have NO issues and I can bring her HOME!... Been over 2 months.... A long time for me..LOL

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