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Still wont start!!!!!


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Ever wanted 2 shoot a car, well if i had a .45 this thing would be outta my misory.


Turn the key, Vroom, then dies, wont turn over again, no spark. Changed the crank sensor and IAC (again). Vroom, starts, dies, wont restart.


Ive done the TPS, IAC, coil packs/modual, FPR, crank sensor. WHATS FN NEXT????




EDIT: anyone wanna trade this thing for a geo metro hatchback?

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Have you tried disconnecting the sensors one by one and starting the car? The TPS, crank sensor, etc.? It's not exactly unheard of to get a bad brand new part, you know. :shock:


Otherwise, I would have to agree that you possibly may have some wiring short issues.

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I remebered someone having a simmilar problem..but turned out to be a bad map sensor...flooding the engine. But you said you have no spark. Are you 100pecent sure :?:

Did you check the Igni coil fues with a light bulb probe?

How about the ecm fuse?

Is the thing giving truble codes?

Also...try the prime test. Crank it and if it starts and dies like always...turn the key completly off...then wait a minute. then crank it again. If it starts again...then dies. Then theres something wrong with the fuel pump prime circuit. Try hotwireing the fuel pump on. OK now start the car...it should say on. If not...Try a ALDL scan. I would recomend this first...but I don't think you have ALDL scanner??? You could pull the codes still.

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we had this problem on my old regal, granted, it's not a turbo, hell, it wasn't even a 3.1 - it was just the 2.8 but it had the "DIC" fuse under the hood, we replaced tons of things, till we tracked it down to that.


I've also seen where you may have a crimp, or blockage in one of the lines itself, that may be somethin' to look into as well - after you get the spark situation done.



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