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water leak?


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Hey guys.


I went out to change my serp. belt and supercharger belt this evening (did those both by myself, im so happy!!!), and noticed i got a bit of a water leak



well, more then a bit, the cars been sitting for at least 90 minutes, and its still going. its water, theres no color or smell to it at all, looks just like water, and it appears to be coming from the back of my engine cradle....


any ideas??



No, i dont use the AC, so thats not it.....


Lemme know please




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back of the engine?

mabey your water pump went and its running down a hose or sumthing to the back of the engine, i can't think of any items back there that leak.


check your coolent, and look at your temp gage.


if your car is cool right now, go and take the radiator cap off. see how much fluid. then start the car...see if it leaks where the water pump is.


just my two cents...

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i would understand that, but doesnt the "water" pump actually pump the coolant/water mix?? if so, then wouldnt it leak the coolant/water mix???



My coolant tank is filled to where its supposed to be when the engine is cool (its above cold, but below hot, so im guessing its pretty good)


as for the actual radiator, i never understood this, you cant see the top of the liquid. I would put some in, but everything says fill by the overfill bottle


also, right underneath my WP is a plastic shield type thingy, and its bone dry.....unless its running down the side, i see nothing over there :(


:shrug: please help meh!





(maybe its nothing at all, afterall, we did just get like 3" of rain)

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(maybe its nothing at all, afterall, we did just get like 3" of rain)




because a car will not leak pure water, it would have to have coolent in it, unless its coming from your A/C, but you said you don't use that..


so i'm stumped if its leaking water, but not coolent :shrug:

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Where does your temp gauge run at? Should be about at the first big mark above 160. Mine is a couple bars lower but I have a 180 t-stat in.



right smack in the middle between 160 and 210



doesnt fluctuate when its idling as bad as it used to due to the intense PCM, which turns the fan on at 179*



Cars never, ever, been over 210, even in traffic without the PCM




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I need to get me a pcm! Waiting until I get the 3.4 pulley though.



i need to get my ubend deleted and a 180T-stat, so your up on me :)


I think im generating some huge knock, but i got some plugs to help that, maybe i should get a tstat, theres a mod day coming up this weekend too




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If it just rained a lot I wouldn't worry. Probably just wome water that was hiding on you. Anything you want to do at the mod day this Sunday I'll give you a hand (along with everyone else), bring a t-stat and plugs. Maybe a set of wires too.

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If it just rained a lot I wouldn't worry. Probably just wome water that was hiding on you. Anything you want to do at the mod day this Sunday I'll give you a hand (along with everyone else), bring a t-stat and plugs. Maybe a set of wires too.


man, you read my mind, lol


i just ordered up a tstat tonite, better be here on friday!!!!


and i hope this is rainwater, cause it tastes like water, so its def. water






(if you dont hear from me in a couple days, its not water :? )

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Never taiste the fliud s that run out of car...... lol


i do it for fun...what are you trying to say???


on another note, hey john buddy, gonna miss yeah,


i'm leaving thurs morning, tomorrow i'm gonna be mad busy (party!!!!), but eh, mabey i'll be on to say a formal good-bye.


anyway, hope its just water.

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Never taiste the fliud s that run out of car...... lol


hey man,


gotta make sure you know :)



Im here at work, its still going, but its just a little bit slower.....my AC still blows cold ass air and my heater blows hot ass air, so those both still work very well.



Im lost







PS: I see how it is kyle, dont invite me :(


Fine, ill just hang around with Gregg (or is it Greg?) Sorry for the name butchering :)

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i do it for fun...what are you trying to say???


hehe i could see z34nut changeing his oil, one for you.... one for me :lol:



lol.....i could see him doing that too :)



sorry man, i had to





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