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Intercooling Gods


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I'm starting to plan out my turbocharged Grand Prix........and I'm looking at intercoolers.......I only plan on using 5-6 psi initially, granted, you don't have to intercool for such low boost, but I would like to upgrade to 10 psi once I get the powertrain and engine to the point at which where it'll actually handle that.......intercooling starts to become a factor here.


A big FMIC would be cool, but not nessicary......I'm looking for some of the specs and you guys's personal opioion of the stock TGP/Blackstone intercooler......What is its efficencey? What size are the inlet/outlet?


Now, the intercooler that Brian used here.......



He calls it a Saab 900 Blackstone.....do they use the same as the TGP cars? I've seen the TGPs intercoolers mentioned as a Blackstone. I pretty much don't know shit about factory intercoolers as far as what cars they came on.


Perhaps someone else can recommend a better aftermarket or factory intercooler. I'm looking mainly for something that has the inlet/outlet on the same side.

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Guest TurboSedan

hey i was just wondering - are you going to be using a TGP radiator? i'm asking because i noticed you wanted an IC with the inlet/outlet on the same side. using the TGP radiator would give you a nice big 'window' that would let you plumb in a FMIC much easier, as long as the inlet/outlet are on the same side that is.


btw, i have an extra TGP intercooler if you need one, but it has to be used with a TGP radiator since it sits beside it. i have an extra TGP radiator too, but it isn't the nicest radiator (has been fixed but should be recored).


my brother and i played around with trying to figure out how to install his large NPR intercooler in the nose of my Cutlass, but i don't think the NPR would work (inlet/outlet on top on opposite sides). well, at least not the large NPR. the small NPR might work.

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Hmmm.......what is the cooling capacity of the TGP radiator?.......I will be producing a higher than normal level of heat here.


There should be plenty or room in front of this car once the black bumper reinforcing is removed.......I know thats not the safest thing in the world, but I'll only remove whats absoulty needed.


Now.....what is the efficency of the stock TGP intercooler????


If I can't find a decent intercooler that has the inlet and outlet on the same sides I'll just loop it over or under with a 180 bend and somemore charge pipe.

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Guest TurboSedan
Hmmm.......what is the cooling capacity of the TGP radiator?


not sure of the cooling capacity of the TGP rad or IC, but the TGP radiator is a THICK 3-core radiator. i think the DOHC radiators are only 2-core.

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People use 1stgen Ford Probe intercoolers a lot. If you can find someone that knows how to weld aluminum, you can take two Turbo Dodge intercoolers and weld them together to make one large intercooler.

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Part of this project involves me learning/mastering the skill of TIG welding........I've got MIG down pat.


Does ANYBODY have efficency numbers for these intercoolers?

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Here is what I did.

I took the stock TGP intercooler and moved it in front of the bumper. The big hole in the nose of the bumper feeds right into it. Next I replaced the condenser to a smaller one and ran the turbo pipes to the intercooler where the intercooler use to sit. The difference is that before the mod my engine temperature would hover around or just below the half way mark now it bearly gets to the 1/4 mark. I would post pictures, but I don't know how. If you let me know I'll post it.


Regards Adam S.


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Guest TurboSedan
you can take two Turbo Dodge intercoolers and weld them together to make one large intercooler.


ah heck, why not just weld three of them together? :D




as you can see, the inlet & outlet are on the same side. fwiw, the TGP intercooler is almost identical to the Turbo Dodge intercoolers, altho i've looked inside both and it looks like the TGP intercooler would flow more than a TD intercooler because the internal fins aren't packed so tightly together.

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Have you looked at the Gerrett site. It has a good chart for intercooler sizing and hp levels. I think just by looking at the TGP intercooler...it could flow anywhere from 280-300hp depending on boost presure ratio. These TGP intercooler, Turbo dodge , and the ford Turbo Coupe intercoolers are the best. They have a better more effective way of cooling air. Don't even bother with Ford Probe/MX-6 intercoolers. They flow well...but don't chill for jack. I had a '88 Turbo Mazda MX-6 GT. THat intercooler was as good as a straight pipe. It be better if it had more fins or longer. I would try a large 740 volvo intercooler. Kinda looks like a radiator core.

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