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96 intake swap. Finished!!! :D

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Yesterday evening I started my intake swap from my 96 3.4 onto my 91. I would have done this later but I needed to take off my upper intake anyway to test my injectors and I also needed to take off my lower intake to get a lost socket. :oops:


It took me about an hour to get to this point. And all my injectors tested good, but that doesn't really matter since I'm going to be using different ones.


After I got that far the mosquitos started coming out so I called it a day.


Today I took the intake parts and I cleaned them up and gasket matched them.



Throttlebody plate



Piece between the TB and the plenum.




Throttlebody plate



The piece between the TB and the plenum that I ported.



I also had to make a Vacume blockoff plate because there are some extra vacume ports on the 96+ intake.


The vacume ports I'm blocking off and the washer that I found which is the perfect size. :D



Blockoff plate installed.



I also made an EGR block off plate but I don't have any pics of that yet.


Tomorrow I'm going to get new gaskets and start assembly. :D


Why are you blocking off those vaccum ports? How will you hook up your brake booster? That little nipple on that piece is also nice for hooking up the HVAC line to...


I don't have vacume brakes. 8)


And since I still have an extra vacume port or 2 I could try putting the HVAC on one of those.


You have PM3? I'm sorry. :(


You still will need that vaccum port I believe...


Did your intake arm come with a MAP sensor?


Yes I have the PM3. I just put a new accumulator in it and it's working good now.


Yes It did come with the MAP sensor, but I popped out the cap at the other end of the plenum and I'm going to use the 91 MAP.


I just counted all the vacume ports, I had 5 vacume ports before, and now, even with the blockoff plate I still have one too many vacume ports.


I would recommend using that and rewiring the 96 MAP sensor. Then you don't have to worry about mounting it. Plus, the MAP wiring is only 3 wires. 8)


Thanks for the tip. I'll probably do that then when I do the engine swap next spring/summer. Then I can pull off the harness and I can do a good job extending wires and putting on the different plug.


You're going to need to lengthen the IAC wires still, fyi. :) The TPS wires will reach. Did you get the whole 96 motor?

You're going to need to lengthen the IAC wires still, fyi. :) The TPS wires will reach. Did you get the whole 96 motor?

Lengthen the IAC wires, damn.


Yes I have the whole motor with accesories.


Didn't get much done today either, I spent morning getting the rest of the engine.


This is turning into a bigger project than I thought. :?


It's not as easy as everyone says it is... there is a lot of little shit that needs to be done.



Make sure you use the 96 coolant line that runs in front of the motor.

Make sure you use the 96 coolant line that runs in front of the motor.

Yeah I noticed that they are different.


PM3??? Power steering pump boosted brakes?

PM3 = Power master 3. It uses a pump to provide power brakes instead of vacume.


Is it a vacuum pump? Or does it use the power steering pump like the newer C and K trucks?


It's actually a nitrogen-filled unit (I think). :shock: That's why it's so damn expensive to replace!


Also with that coolant line, you'll notice there are a two nipples on the end. You will not need one.


It has an electric pump and a nitrogen filled accumulator.


And I'm going to use that second nipple and connect that to the other coolant like that goes up by the brake booster (Heater core feed?).


There are two others besides the one that plugs into the lower intake... I'm pretty sure you'll only use one...


I could use the coolant line for the throttlebody but I'm just going to plug that one. I think that's the only other one.


Here's what I got done today.


Finished all the brackets I needed.


Map hold down bracket.



Throttlebody arm with the Vacume blockoff and EGR blockoff plates finished.



Here's the plenum set in place.



I would have gotten more done today except I had to wait 3 hours for my gaskets. :x I should finish tomorrow though. :)


And here'e my 96 Engine. I started to take the timing belt off.



Phhh, almost done....


What's left:

-Fuel return line

-Throttle cable lines

-Vacume lines

-couple misc. things


I did get the TPS and the IAC wires to reach w/o extending them. :D Had to pull apart the wiring harness though.


I should be done tomorrow.


When connecting the fuel lines, MAKE SURE to hear a CLICK so you know they are fully seated. I've heard of someone having one pop out and soak the engine bay with fuel... FYI. :shock:

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