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  1. 97cutty

    lowering 97 cutlass supreme

    Yea it has the sticker I’ll have to go out and check but I’m pretty damn sure it has a different suspension as mine hopefully
    1 point
  2. White93z34

    lowering 97 cutlass supreme

    Yeah that's always been a bit of a concern but, we're well past a decade and I've yet to see a rear strut tower fail due to lowering. My biggest issue with lowering one of these cars is they ride less like a Pontiac and more like a Peterbilt when lowred.
    1 point
  3. Psych0matt

    lowering 97 cutlass supreme

    My car was super low when I first lowered it, miscalculated the springs in the front (I think) and had to order taller ones, at its tallest it was still rubbing every turn or bump lol but mine are basically regular coilovers made from (at least at the time) ready available parts aside from the mounts, which were custom made by Bxx (who isn’t active here any more but I still talk to him). If you look through my build thread I think most of the info is still there aside from photobucket and th holding my pictures hostage, but it wasn’t too hard conceptually. I did raise it up I think two years ago because I went slightly wider and taller tires so it’s not quite as slammed, but it’s rare I rub. for simplicity’s sake I can’t say I’d shy away from cutting coils if your goal is lowering, I’ve heard it doesn’t affect the ride too badly.
    1 point
  4. Schurkey

    lowering 97 cutlass supreme

    Wild Guess with no evidence: The car is now about 27 years old. The springs are probably originals. Therefore, it's not unreasonable to assume that the springs have fatigued. The car IS lower. Measure ride-height the way GM intends. I bet you find the vehicle has settled.
    1 point
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